Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bad news for soda drinkers

I heard this news story in a drowsy haze at 5:30 am this morning on NPR:

"This study that we did with UCLA showed that regardless of income or ethnicity, adults who drink one or more soda a day are 27 percent more likely to be overweight or obese," Goldstein says.

One or more. That means one. So you can bet I jumped out of my skivvies and into a mad rage at soda manufacturers for making this country obese. Now--this article does not address diet soda, but I think we all know how I feel about sugar substitutes (hint: I loathe them).

As alternative, I LOVE Fizzy Izze. They are refreshing, bubbly and have no artificial sweeteners (only sweetened with fruit juice). I think the grapefruit is my favorite.

And if there's no Izze in the house and I'm feeling really zany, I'll mix three parts club soda to one part grape, apple or (Esther's creation) grape+orange juices.

Add vodka for a real treat. But not at work. Unless you work where I work.


  1. Note to self: phase out artificial sweeteners.

  2. wol i love that grapefruit fizzie izzie. i never thought of the vodka trick, but i like where you're going with that.
